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QLab 4 Batch Cue Generator TSV/CSV

Writer's picture: Taylor GladTaylor Glad

Updated: Jun 15, 2023

Create batches of cues from an exported TSV/CSV file.

A QLab script paired with a Google Spreadsheet for 17 different kinds of batch cue imports from tsv or csv files. The script reads the tsv or csv files directly, so no need to have a separate spreadsheet editor open. Just export a tsv/csv, and run the script. The script will prompt you for which file. The script detects which sheet is being used, so 1 script runs the 17 different kinds of tsv/csv files exported. (And now you can select multiple files to run a large batch. The files you select don't all need to be the same tsv/csv type.)

TSV files work seemlessly. CSV files can get thrown off if a comma is used in a cell, and if quotation marks are used, it will add a few extra quotation marks.

Version 2 of the Google Sheet is at:

When the link opens in a new tab, just click "Use Template" in the upper right corner to add a copy to your Google Drive. Then either keep this link, or keep your own copies to always have a clean template to start from.

If it's helpful, here's an example of how the sheet can be filled:



Copy the text below, and paste it into a script cue in your QLab workspace.

I recommend assigning it a hotkey, or I like to give each script cue a unique cue number using letters, and then trigger it from Bitfocus Companion.

Version 2

--by Taylor Glad. Updated 10/6/21. version 2
--Script will prompt you for a tsv or csv file. You can select multiple files. You don't need Microsoft Excel, or any other spreadsheet editor open.

--use this sheet:

--if the script crashes, make sure you are using version 2 of the QLab Batch Cue Generator sheet. See

--the script will recognize what sheet/tab/page you exported, and use the correct script to handle the batch.

set TheFiles to choose file of type {"tsv", "csv"} with prompt "Select tsv or csv files:" with multiple selections allowed
repeat with TheFile in TheFiles
	set theFileContents to read TheFile
	set thetids to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	tell application "Finder" to set fileType to name extension of file TheFile
	if fileType is "csv" then
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
	else if fileType is "tsv" then
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tab
	end if
	set thenumberofrows to count of paragraphs of theFileContents
	set tsvType to text item 1 of paragraph 2 of theFileContents
	--make tsvType all lowercase, so it is not case sensitive in case people change it manually
	--(Group cues, start cues, load to time cues, and memo cues have identical sheets, and can all be interchangeable)
	set theComparisonCharacters to "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
	set theSourceCharacters to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
	set theAlteredText to ""
	repeat with aCharacter in tsvType
		set theoffset to offset of aCharacter in theComparisonCharacters
		if theoffset is not 0 then
			set theAlteredText to (theAlteredText & character theoffset of theSourceCharacters) as string
			set theAlteredText to (theAlteredText & aCharacter) as string
		end if
	end repeat
	set tsvType to theAlteredText
	tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4" to tell front workspace
		--Handle where the new cues will be created
		set newCueGroupType to text item 1 of paragraph 4 of theFileContents --New Group, Cue List, New Cue List
		set addHeader to false
		if {"Prompt", "Slices"} does not contain tsvType then
			set newCueGroupName to text item 1 of paragraph 6 of theFileContents
			if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
				make type "group"
				set newCueGroup to last item of (selected as list)
				set the mode of newCueGroup to fire_first_enter_group
				set the q name of newCueGroup to newCueGroupName
				set the q number of newCueGroup to ""
				collapse newCueGroup
			else if newCueGroupType is "New Cue List" then
				make type "cue list"
				--set newCueGroup to last cue list
				set q name of last cue list to newCueGroupName
				set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
			else if newCueGroupType is "Cue List" then
					set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
					--set newCueGroup to current cue list
				on error
					make type "cue list"
					--set newCueGroup to last cue list
					set q name of last cue list to newCueGroupName
					set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
				end try
			else if newCueGroupType is "Cue List with Header" then
					set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
					--set newCueGroup to current cue list
				on error
					make type "cue list"
					--set newCueGroup to last cue list
					set q name of last cue list to newCueGroupName
					set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
				end try
				set addHeader to true
			end if
		end if --tsvType is not "Prompt"
		if tsvType is "group cues" then
				if addHeader then
					make type "memo"
					set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
					set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
				end if
				repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
					set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
					if text items 2 through 7 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", ""} then
						make type "group"
						set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
						set groupType to text item 1 of paragraph 8 of theFileContents
						if groupType is "Cue List" then
							set the mode of theCue to cue_list
						else if groupType is "Timeline - Start all children simultaneously" then
							set the mode of theCue to timeline
						else if groupType is "Start first child and enter into group" then
							set the mode of theCue to fire_first_enter_group
						else if groupType is "Start first child and go to next cue" then
							set the mode of theCue to fire_first_go_to_next_cue
						else if groupType is "Start random child and go to next cue" then
							set the mode of theCue to fire_random
						end if -- groupType
						set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
						if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the q number of theCue to text item 2 of theRow
						if text item 3 of theRow is not "" then set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
						if text item 7 of theRow is not "" then set the pre wait of theCue to text item 7 of theRow
						if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
							set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
							move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
			on error
				display dialog "This script encountered an error. Make sure you are using version 2 of the QLab Batch Cue Generator sheet.  See"
			end try
		else if tsvType is "slices" then
				set theSelection to the selected as list
				repeat with theCue in theSelection
					if (the q type of theCue is "Video") or (the q type of theCue is "Audio") then
						set theCueEndTime to the end time of theCue
						set theMarkers to {}
						repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
							set eachRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
							set theSliceTime to (text item 6 of eachRow)
							if theSliceTime as real is greater than theCueEndTime as real then
								display dialog "One of the imported slices in your TSV/CSV is past the end time of your selected cue" with title "Incompatible Slice" with icon 2
							end if
							set theSlicePlayCount to (text item 2 of eachRow)
							if theSlicePlayCount is not "inf" then
								if (text item 2 of eachRow as string as real) * 1 is 0 then --checks to see if it is ...something I don't remember...
									set theSlicePlayCount to "1"
								else if theSlicePlayCount is "" then
									set theSlicePlayCount to "1"
								end if
							end if
							if theSliceTime is not in {"", "0"} then
								set end of theMarkers to {time:theSliceTime, playCount:theSlicePlayCount}
							end if
						end repeat --for eachLine
						set the slice markers of theCue to theMarkers
					else --theCue is an Audio or Video cue
						display dialog "Please select an audio or video cue before running this script." with title "Select Audio or Video Cue" with icon 2
					end if --theCue is an Audio or Video cue
				end repeat --of the selected cues
			on error
				display dialog "This script encountered an error. Make sure you are using version 2 of the QLab Batch Cue Generator sheet.  See"
			end try
		else if tsvType is "text cues" then
				if addHeader then
					make type "memo"
					set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
					set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
				end if
				repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
					set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
					if text items 2 through 10 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""} then
						make type "text"
						set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
						if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the q number of theCue to text item 2 of theRow
						if text item 3 of theRow is not "" then set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
						if text item 4 of theRow is not "" then set the text of theCue to text item 4 of theRow
						set theLayer to text item 5 of theRow --MAKE THE LAYER ALL LOWERCASE TO NOT BE CASE SENSITIVE
						set theComparisonCharacters to "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
						set theSourceCharacters to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
						set theAlteredText to ""
						repeat with aCharacter in theLayer
							set theoffset to offset of aCharacter in theComparisonCharacters
							if theoffset is not 0 then
								set theAlteredText to (theAlteredText & character theoffset of theSourceCharacters) as string
								set theAlteredText to (theAlteredText & aCharacter) as string
							end if
						end repeat
						set theLayer to theAlteredText
						if theLayer is not "" then
							if theLayer is "top" then
								set the layer of theCue to 1000
							else if theLayer is "bottom" then
								set the layer of theCue to 0
								set the layer of theCue to theLayer
							end if
						end if
						if text item 6 of theRow is not "" and the q number of theCue is text item 6 of theRow then
							set myOSC to ("/cue/" & text item 2 of theRow & "/surfaceID " & text item 6 of theRow) as string -- input surface ID here from settings
							do shell script "echo " & myOSC & " | nc -u -w 0 53535"
						end if
						set the pre wait of theCue to text item 10 of theRow
						if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
							set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
							move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
			on error
				display dialog "This script encountered an error. Make sure you are using version 2 of the QLab Batch Cue Generator sheet.  See"
			end try
		else if tsvType is "osc basic" then
				if addHeader then
					make type "memo"
					set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
					set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
				end if
				if text item 1 of paragraph 8 of theFileContents is "OSC" then
					set messageType to "custom"
				else if text item 1 of paragraph 8 of theFileContents is "UDP" then
					set messageType to "udp"
				end if
				log messageType
				repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
					set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
					if text items 2 through 9 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""} then
						make type "network"
						set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
						if messageType is "custom" then set the osc message type of theCue to custom
						if messageType is "udp" then set the osc message type of theCue to udp
						set the q number of theCue to text item 2 of theRow
						set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
						if messageType is "custom" then set the custom message of theCue to text item 4 of theRow
						if messageType is "udp" then set the udp message of theCue to text item 4 of theRow
						if text item 5 of theRow is not "" then set the patch of theCue to text item 5 of theRow
						if text item 9 of theRow is not "" then set the pre wait of theCue to text item 9 of theRow
						if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
							set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
							move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
			on error
				display dialog "This script encountered an error. Make sure you are using version 2 of the QLab Batch Cue Generator sheet.  See"
			end try
		else if tsvType is "osc split" then
				if addHeader then
					make type "memo"
					set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
					set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
				end if
				if text item 1 of paragraph 8 of theFileContents is "OSC" then
					set messageType to "custom"
				else if text item 1 of paragraph 8 of theFileContents is "UDP" then
					set messageType to "udp"
				end if
				repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
					set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
					if text items 2 through 14 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""} then
						make type "network"
						set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
						if messageType is "custom" then set the osc message type of theCue to custom
						if messageType is "udp" then set the osc message type of theCue to udp
						if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the q number of theCue to text item 2 of theRow
						if text item 3 of theRow is not "" then set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
						if messageType is "custom" then
							if text item 9 of theRow is "" then
								set the custom message of theCue to text item 4 of theRow & text item 5 of theRow & text item 6 of theRow & text item 7 of theRow & text item 8 of theRow
								set the custom message of theCue to text item 4 of theRow & text item 5 of theRow & text item 6 of theRow & text item 7 of theRow & text item 8 of theRow & " " & text item 9 of theRow
							end if
						else if messageType is "udp" then
							if text item 9 of theRow is "" then
								set the udp message of theCue to text item 4 of theRow & text item 5 of theRow & text item 6 of theRow & text item 7 of theRow & text item 8 of theRow
								set the udp message of theCue to text item 4 of theRow & text item 5 of theRow & text item 6 of theRow & text item 7 of theRow & text item 8 of theRow & " " & text item 9 of theRow
							end if
						end if
						if text item 10 of theRow is not "" then set the patch of theCue to text item 10 of theRow
						if text item 14 of theRow is not "" then set the pre wait of theCue to text item 14 of theRow
						if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
							set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
							move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
			on error
				display dialog "This script encountered an error. Make sure you are using version 2 of the QLab Batch Cue Generator sheet.  See"
			end try
		else if tsvType is "osc qlab" then
				if addHeader then
					make type "memo"
					set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
					set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
				end if
				repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
					set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
					if text items 2 through 11 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""} then
						make type "network"
						set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
						set the osc message type of theCue to qlab
						if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the q number of theCue to text item 2 of theRow
						if text item 3 of theRow is not "" then set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
						if text item 4 of theRow is not "" then set the q_num of theCue to text item 4 of theRow
						set the q_command of theCue to text item 5 of theRow
						if text item 5 of theRow is in {"number", "name", "notes", "cueTargetNumber", "preWait", "duration", ¬
							"postWait", "continueMode", "flagged", "armed", "colorName"} then
							set the q_params of theCue to text item 6 of theRow
						end if
						if text item 7 of theRow is not "" then set the patch of theCue to text item 7 of theRow
						if text item 11 of theRow is not "" then set the pre wait of theCue to text item 11 of theRow
						if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
							set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
							move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
			on error
				display dialog "This script encountered an error. Make sure you are using version 2 of the QLab Batch Cue Generator sheet.  See"
			end try
		else if tsvType is "midi voice" then
				if addHeader then
					make type "memo"
					set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
					set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
				end if
				repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
					set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
					if text items 2 through 11 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""} then
						make type "midi"
						set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
						set the message type of theCue to voice
						if text item 1 of paragraph 7 of theFileContents is "Note On" then set the command of theCue to note_on
						if text item 1 of paragraph 7 of theFileContents is "Note Off" then set the command of theCue to note_off
						if text item 1 of paragraph 7 of theFileContents is "Program Change" then set the command of theCue to program_change
						if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the q number of theCue to text item 2 of theRow
						if text item 3 of theRow is not "" then set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
						if text item 4 of theRow is not "" then set the channel of theCue to text item 4 of theRow
						if text item 5 of theRow is not "" then set the byte one of theCue to text item 5 of theRow
						if the command of theCue is not program_change then
							if text item 6 of theRow is not "" then set the byte two of theCue to text item 6 of theRow
						end if
						if text item 7 of theRow is not "" then set the patch of theCue to text item 7 of theRow
						if text item 11 of theRow is not "" then set the pre wait of theCue to text item 11 of theRow
						if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
							set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
							move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
			on error
				display dialog "This script encountered an error. Make sure you are using version 2 of the QLab Batch Cue Generator sheet.  See"
			end try
		else if tsvType is "midi show control" then
				if addHeader then
					make type "memo"
					set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
					set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
				end if
				set commandFormats to {"All Types", "Lighting (General)", "Moving Lights", "Color Changers", "Strobes", "Lasers", "Chasers", "Sound (General)", ¬
					"Music", "CD Players", "EPROM Playback", "Audio Tape Machines", "Intercoms", "Amplifiers", "Audio Effects Devices", "Equalizers", "Machinery (General)", ¬
					"Rigging", "Flys", "Lifts", "Turntables", "Trusses", "Robots", "Animation", "Floats", "Breakaways", "Barges,Video (General)", "Video Tape Machines", ¬
					"Video Cassette Machines", "Video Disc Players", "Video Switchers", "Video Effects", "Video Character Generators", "Video Still Stores", "Video Monitors", ¬
					"Projection (General)", "Film Projectors", "Slide Projectors", "Video Projectors", "Dissolvers", "Shutter Controls", "Process Control (General)", "Hydraulic Oil", ¬
					"H20", "CO2", "Compressed Air", "Natural Gas", "Fog", "Smoke", "Cracked Haze", "Pyrotechnics (General)", "Fireworks", "Explosions", "Flame", "Smoke Pots"}
				set commandNumbers to {"GO", "STOP", "RESUME", "TIMED_GO", "LOAD", "SET", "FIRE", "ALL_OFF", "RESTORE", "RESET", "GO_OFF", ¬
				repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
					set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
					if text items 2 through 14 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""} then
						make type "midi"
						set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
						set the message type of theCue to msc
						if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the q number of theCue to text item 2 of theRow
						if text item 3 of theRow is not "" then set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
						repeat with a from 1 to 55
							if item a of commandFormats is text item 4 of theRow then set commandFormat to a - 1
						end repeat
						set command format of theCue to commandFormat
						repeat with a from 1 to 26
							if item a of commandNumbers is text item 5 of theRow then set commandNumber to a
						end repeat
						set command number of theCue to commandNumber
						if text item 6 of theRow is not "" then set the deviceID of theCue to text item 6 of theRow
						if text item 7 of theRow is not "" then set the q_number of theCue to text item 7 of theRow
						if text item 8 of theRow is not "" then set the q_list of theCue to text item 8 of theRow
						if text item 9 of theRow is not "" then set the q_path of theCue to text item 9 of theRow
						if text item 10 of theRow is not "" then set the patch of theCue to text item 10 of theRow
						if text item 14 of theRow is not "" then set the pre wait of theCue to text item 14 of theRow
						if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
							set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
							move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
			on error
				display dialog "This script encountered an error. Make sure you are using version 2 of the QLab Batch Cue Generator sheet.  See"
			end try
		else if tsvType is "midi sysex" then
				if addHeader then
					make type "memo"
					set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
					set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
				end if
				repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
					set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
					if text items 2 through 9 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""} then
						make type "midi"
						set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
						set the message type of theCue to sysex
						if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the q number of theCue to text item 2 of theRow
						if text item 3 of theRow is not "" then set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
						if text item 4 of theRow is not "" then set the sysex message of theCue to text item 4 of theRow
						if text item 5 of theRow is not "" then set the patch of theCue to text item 5 of theRow
						if text item 9 of theRow is not "" then set the pre wait of theCue to text item 9 of theRow
						if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
							set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
							move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
			on error
				display dialog "This script encountered an error. Make sure you are using version 2 of the QLab Batch Cue Generator sheet.  See"
			end try
		else if tsvType is "timecode" then
				if addHeader then
					make type "memo"
					set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
					set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
				end if
				repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
					set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
					if text items 2 through 12 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""} then
						make type "timecode"
						set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
						set smpteFormat to text item 1 of paragraph 7 of theFileContents
						if smpteFormat is "24 fps" then
							set smpte format of theCue to fps_24
						else if smpteFormat is "25 fps" then
							set smpte format of theCue to fps_25
						else if smpteFormat is "30 fps non-drop" then
							set smpte format of theCue to fps_30_non_drop
						else if smpteFormat is "30 fps drop" then
							set smpte format of theCue to fps_30_drop
						end if
						if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the q number of theCue to text item 2 of theRow
						if text item 3 of theRow is not "" then set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
						if text item 7 of theRow is not "" then set the start time offset of theCue to text item 7 of theRow
						if text item 8 of theRow is not "" then set the patch of theCue to text item 8 of theRow
						if text item 12 of theRow is not "" then set the pre wait of theCue to text item 12 of theRow
						if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
							set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
							move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
			on error
				display dialog "This script encountered an error. Make sure you are using version 2 of the QLab Batch Cue Generator sheet.  See"
			end try
		else if tsvType is "start cues" then
				if addHeader then
					make type "memo"
					set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
					set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
				end if
				repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
					set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
					if text items 2 through 7 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", ""} then
						make type "start"
						set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
						if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the q number of theCue to text item 2 of theRow
						if text item 3 of theRow is not "" then set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
						if text item 7 of theRow is not "" then set the pre wait of theCue to text item 7 of theRow
						if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
							set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
							move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
			on error
				display dialog "This script encountered an error. Make sure you are using version 2 of the QLab Batch Cue Generator sheet.  See"
			end try
		else if tsvType is "load to time" then
				set selectedCue to the first item in (selected as list)
				if addHeader then
					make type "memo"
					set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
					set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
				end if
				repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
					set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
					if text items 2 through 7 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", ""} then
						make type "load"
						set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
						set the cue target of theCue to selectedCue
						if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the q number of theCue to text item 2 of theRow
						if text item 3 of theRow is not "" then set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
						if text item 7 of theRow is not "" then set the load time of theCue to text item 7 of theRow
						if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
							set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
							move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
			on error
				display dialog "This script encountered an error. Make sure you are using version 2 of the QLab Batch Cue Generator sheet.  See"
			end try
		else if tsvType is "memo cues" then
				if addHeader then
					make type "memo"
					set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
					set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
				end if
				repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
					set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
					if text items 2 through 7 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", ""} then
						make type "memo"
						set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
						if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the q number of theCue to text item 2 of theRow
						if text item 3 of theRow is not "" then set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
						if text item 7 of theRow is not "" then set the pre wait of theCue to text item 7 of theRow
						if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
							set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
							move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
			on error
				display dialog "This script encountered an error. Make sure you are using version 2 of the QLab Batch Cue Generator sheet.  See"
			end try
		else if tsvType is "audio targets" then
			set cuesFailed to false
			set cuesThatFailed to ""
			set flaggedCues to {}
			set foundCues to 0
			set theFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select the folder containing your audio files"
			set folderPath to POSIX path of theFolder
			if addHeader then
				make type "memo"
				set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
				set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
			end if
			repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
				set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
				if text items 2 through 8 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", "", ""} then
						set theCue to cue (text item 2 of theRow)
						if (the q type of theCue is "Audio") then
							tell application "System Events"
								if exists file (folderPath & text item 4 of theRow) then
									set fileFound to true
									set fileFound to false
								end if
							end tell
							if fileFound then
								set file target of theCue to POSIX file (folderPath & text item 4 of theRow)
								set foundCues to foundCues + 1
								set cuesFailed to true
								if cuesThatFailed is not "" then set cuesThatFailed to cuesThatFailed & ", "
								set cuesThatFailed to cuesThatFailed & text item 2 of theRow
								if the flagged of theCue is not true then
									set the flagged of theCue to true
									set end of flaggedCues to theCue
								end if
							end if
							if text item 3 of theRow is not "" then set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
							if text item 8 of theRow is not "" then set the pre wait of theCue to text item 8 of theRow
							if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
								set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
								move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
							end if
							set cuesFailed to true
							if cuesThatFailed is not "" then set cuesThatFailed to cuesThatFailed & ", "
							set cuesThatFailed to cuesThatFailed & text item 2 of theRow
							if the flagged of theCue is not true then
								set the flagged of theCue to true
								set end of flaggedCues to theCue
							end if
						end if
					on error --if a cue can't be found with that number
						make type "audio"
						set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
						set the q number of theCue to text item 2 of theRow
						set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
						tell application "System Events"
							if exists file (folderPath & text item 4 of theRow) then
								set fileFound to true
								set fileFound to false
							end if
						end tell
						if fileFound then
							set file target of theCue to POSIX file (folderPath & text item 4 of theRow)
							set foundCues to foundCues + 1
							set cuesFailed to true
							if cuesThatFailed is not "" then set cuesThatFailed to cuesThatFailed & ", "
							set cuesThatFailed to cuesThatFailed & text item 2 of theRow
							if the flagged of theCue is not true then
								set the flagged of theCue to true
								set end of flaggedCues to theCue
							end if
						end if
						set the pre wait of theCue to text item 8 of theRow
						if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
							set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
							move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
						end if
					end try --trying to find an existing cue number
				end if
			end repeat
			if cuesFailed then
				display dialog "The following cues failed to update audio targets, and have been flagged:" & return & cuesThatFailed & return & return & foundCues & " cues were succesfully processed" with icon 2 with title "Audio Target Updates Failed" buttons {"Unflag", "Accept"} default button "Accept"
				if button returned of result is "Unflag" then
					repeat with eachCue in flaggedCues
						set the flagged of eachCue to false
					end repeat
				end if
			else if foundCues is not 0 then
				display dialog (foundCues as string) & " cues were succesfully relinked."
			end if
		else if tsvType is "video targets" then
			set cuesFailed to false
			set cuesThatFailed to ""
			set flaggedCues to {}
			set foundCues to 0
			set theFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select the folder containing your video files"
			set folderPath to POSIX path of theFolder
			if addHeader then
				make type "memo"
				set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
				set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
			end if
			repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
				set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
				if text items 2 through 8 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", "", ""} then
						set theCue to cue (text item 2 of theRow)
						if (the q type of theCue is "Video") then
							tell application "System Events"
								if exists file (folderPath & text item 4 of theRow) then
									set fileFound to true
									set fileFound to false
								end if
							end tell
							if fileFound then
								set file target of theCue to POSIX file (folderPath & text item 4 of theRow)
								set foundCues to foundCues + 1
								set cuesFailed to true
								if cuesThatFailed is not "" then set cuesThatFailed to cuesThatFailed & ", "
								set cuesThatFailed to cuesThatFailed & text item 2 of theRow
								if the flagged of theCue is not true then
									set the flagged of theCue to true
									set end of flaggedCues to theCue
								end if
							end if
							if text item 3 of theRow is not "" then set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
							if text item 8 of theRow is not "" then set the pre wait of theCue to text item 8 of theRow
							if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
								set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
								move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
							end if
							set cuesFailed to true
							if cuesThatFailed is not "" then set cuesThatFailed to cuesThatFailed & ", "
							set cuesThatFailed to cuesThatFailed & text item 2 of theRow
							if the flagged of theCue is not true then
								set the flagged of theCue to true
								set end of flaggedCues to theCue
							end if
						end if
					on error --if a cue can't be found with that number
						make type "video"
						set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
						set the q number of theCue to text item 2 of theRow
						set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
						tell application "System Events"
							if exists file (folderPath & text item 4 of theRow) then
								set fileFound to true
								set fileFound to false
							end if
						end tell
						if fileFound then
							set file target of theCue to POSIX file (folderPath & text item 4 of theRow)
							set foundCues to foundCues + 1
							set cuesFailed to true
							if cuesThatFailed is not "" then set cuesThatFailed to cuesThatFailed & ", "
							set cuesThatFailed to cuesThatFailed & text item 2 of theRow
							if the flagged of theCue is not true then
								set the flagged of theCue to true
								set end of flaggedCues to theCue
							end if
						end if
						set the pre wait of theCue to text item 8 of theRow
						if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
							set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
							move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
						end if
					end try --trying to find an existing cue number
				end if
			end repeat
			if cuesFailed then
				display dialog "The following cues failed to update video targets, and have been flagged:" & return & cuesThatFailed & return & return & foundCues & " cues were succesfully processed" with icon 2 with title "Video Target Updates Failed" buttons {"Unflag", "Accept"} default button "Accept"
				if button returned of result is "Unflag" then
					repeat with eachCue in flaggedCues
						set the flagged of eachCue to false
					end repeat
				end if
			else if foundCues is not 0 then
				display dialog (foundCues as string) & " cues were succesfully processed."
			end if
		else if tsvType is "prompt" then
			set theSelection to the (selected as list)
			set songTitle to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
			set userChoice to choose from list {"Slices", "Start Cues", "Load to Time Cues", "Memo Cues", ¬
				"Start Cues and Slices", "Load to Time Cues and Slices", "Memo Cues and Slices", "Loads, Memos, and Slices", ¬
				"Starts, Loads, and Slices", "Starts, Loads, and Memos", "All"} with title ("QLab Batch Cue Generator - " & songTitle) with prompt "Convert tsv/csv to:" default items "Slices"
				--Start CUES
				if (userChoice as string) contains "Start" or (userChoice as string is "ALL") then
					set newCueGroupName to text item 1 of paragraph 6 of theFileContents
					if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
						make type "group"
						set newCueGroup to last item of (selected as list)
						set the mode of newCueGroup to fire_first_enter_group
						set the q name of newCueGroup to newCueGroupName
						set the q number of newCueGroup to ""
						collapse newCueGroup
					else if newCueGroupType is "New Cue List" then
						make type "cue list"
						--set newCueGroup to last cue list
						set q name of last cue list to newCueGroupName
						set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
					else if newCueGroupType is "Cue List" then
							set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
							--set newCueGroup to current cue list
						on error
							make type "cue list"
							--set newCueGroup to last cue list
							set q name of last cue list to newCueGroupName
							set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
						end try
					else if newCueGroupType is "Cue List with Header" then
							set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
							--set newCueGroup to current cue list
						on error
							make type "cue list"
							--set newCueGroup to last cue list
							set q name of last cue list to newCueGroupName
							set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
						end try
						set addHeader to true
					end if
					-- ^^^ GROUP TYPE BLOCK
					if addHeader then
						make type "memo"
						set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
						set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
					end if
					repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
						set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
						if text items 2 through 7 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", ""} then
							make type "start"
							set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
							if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the q number of theCue to text item 2 of theRow
							if text item 3 of theRow is not "" then set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
							if text item 7 of theRow is not "" then set the pre wait of theCue to text item 7 of theRow
							if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
								set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
								move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
							end if
						end if
					end repeat
				end if -- Contains "Start"
				--Load CUES
				set selectedCue to first item in (selected as list)
				if (userChoice as string) contains "Load" or (userChoice as string is "ALL") then
					set newCueGroupName to text item 1 of paragraph 8 of theFileContents
					if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
						make type "group"
						set newCueGroup to last item of (selected as list)
						set the mode of newCueGroup to fire_first_enter_group
						set the q name of newCueGroup to newCueGroupName
						set the q number of newCueGroup to ""
						collapse newCueGroup
					else if newCueGroupType is "New Cue List" then
						make type "cue list"
						--set newCueGroup to last cue list
						set q name of last cue list to newCueGroupName
						set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
					else if newCueGroupType is "Cue List" then
							set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
							--set newCueGroup to current cue list
						on error
							make type "cue list"
							--set newCueGroup to last cue list
							set q name of last cue list to newCueGroupName
							set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
						end try
					else if newCueGroupType is "Cue List with Header" then
							set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
							--set newCueGroup to current cue list
						on error
							make type "cue list"
							--set newCueGroup to last cue list
							set q name of last cue list to newCueGroupName
							set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
						end try
						set addHeader to true
					end if
					-- ^^^ GROUP TYPE BLOCK
					if addHeader then
						make type "memo"
						set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
						set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
					end if
					repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
						set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
						if text items 2 through 7 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", ""} then
							make type "load"
							set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
							if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the q number of theCue to text item 2 of theRow
							if text item 3 of theRow is not "" then set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
							if text item 7 of theRow is not "" then set the load time of theCue to text item 7 of theRow
							set the cue target of theCue to selectedCue
							if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
								set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
								move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
							end if
						end if
					end repeat
				end if -- Contains "Load"
				if (userChoice as string) contains "Memo" or (userChoice as string is "ALL") then
					set newCueGroupName to text item 1 of paragraph 10 of theFileContents
					if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
						make type "group"
						set newCueGroup to last item of (selected as list)
						set the mode of newCueGroup to fire_first_enter_group
						set the q name of newCueGroup to newCueGroupName
						set the q number of newCueGroup to ""
						collapse newCueGroup
					else if newCueGroupType is "New Cue List" then
						make type "cue list"
						--set newCueGroup to last cue list
						set q name of last cue list to newCueGroupName
						set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
					else if newCueGroupType is "Cue List" then
							set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
							--set newCueGroup to current cue list
						on error
							make type "cue list"
							--set newCueGroup to last cue list
							set q name of last cue list to newCueGroupName
							set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
						end try
					else if newCueGroupType is "Cue List with Header" then
							set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
							--set newCueGroup to current cue list
						on error
							make type "cue list"
							--set newCueGroup to last cue list
							set q name of last cue list to newCueGroupName
							set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
						end try
						set addHeader to true
					end if
					-- ^^^ GROUP TYPE BLOCK
					if addHeader then
						make type "memo"
						set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
						set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
					end if
					repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
						set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
						if text items 2 through 7 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", ""} then
							make type "memo"
							set theCue to last item of (selected as list)
							if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the q number of theCue to text item 2 of theRow
							if text item 3 of theRow is not "" then set the q name of theCue to text item 3 of theRow
							if text item 7 of theRow is not "" then set the pre wait of theCue to text item 7 of theRow
							if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
								set newQID to uniqueID of theCue
								move cue id newQID of parent of theCue to end of newCueGroup
							end if
						end if
					end repeat
				end if -- Contains "Memo"
				if (userChoice as string) contains "Slices" or (userChoice as string is "ALL") then
					repeat with theCue in theSelection
						if (the q type of theCue is "Video") or (the q type of theCue is "Audio") then
							set theCueEndTime to the end time of theCue
							set theMarkers to {}
							repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
								set eachRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
								set theSliceTime to (text item 7 of eachRow)
								if theSliceTime as real is greater than theCueEndTime as real then
									display dialog "One of the imported slices in your TSV/CSV is past the end time of your selected cue" with title "Incompatible Slice" with icon 2
								end if
								if theSliceTime is not in {"", "0"} then
									set end of theMarkers to {time:theSliceTime, playCount:1}
								end if
							end repeat --for eachLine
							set the slice markers of theCue to theMarkers
						else --theCue is an Audio or Video cue
							display dialog "Please select an audio or video cue before creating slices." with title "Select Audio or Video Cue" with icon 2
						end if --theCue is an Audio or Video cue
					end repeat --of the selected cues
				end if -- Contains "Slices"
			on error
				display dialog "This script encountered an error. Make sure you are using version 2 of the QLab Batch Cue Generator sheet.  See"
			end try
		else if tsvType is "osc & start cues" then
			set newOscCueGroupType to text item 1 of paragraph 10 of theFileContents --New Group, Cue List, New Cue List
			set newOscCueGroupName to text item 1 of paragraph 12 of theFileContents
			if addHeader then
				make type "memo"
				set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
				set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
			end if
			if newOscCueGroupType is "New Group" then
				make type "group"
				set newOscCueGroup to last item of (selected as list)
				set the mode of newOscCueGroup to fire_first_enter_group
				set the q name of newOscCueGroup to newOscCueGroupName
				set the q number of newOscCueGroup to ""
				collapse newCueGroup
			else if newOscCueGroupType is "New Cue List" then
				make type "cue list"
				--set newOscCueGroup to last cue list
				set q name of last cue list to newOscCueGroupName
				set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newOscCueGroupName)
			else if newOscCueGroupType is "Cue List" then
					set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newOscCueGroupName)
					--set newOscCueGroup to current cue list
				on error
					make type "cue list"
					--set newOscCueGroup to last cue list
					set q name of last cue list to newOscCueGroupName
					set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newOscCueGroupName)
				end try
			else if newOscCueGroupType is "Cue List with Header" then
					set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newOscCueGroupName)
					--set newOscCueGroup to current cue list
				on error
					make type "cue list"
					--set newOscCueGroup to last cue list
					set q name of last cue list to newOscCueGroupName
					set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newOscCueGroupName)
					make type "memo"
					set memoCue to last item of (selected as list)
					set the q name of memoCue to text item 1 of paragraph 1 of theFileContents
				end try
			end if
				repeat with rowCount from 3 to thenumberofrows
					set theRow to (paragraph rowCount) of theFileContents
					if text items 2 through 7 of theRow is not {"", "", "", "", "", ""} then
						--Make OSC light cue first
						if newOscCueGroupType is not "New Group" then set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newOscCueGroupName)
						make type "network"
						set theOscCue to last item of (selected as list)
						set the osc message type of theOscCue to custom
						set oscDevice to text item 1 of paragraph 8 of theFileContents
						set oscPatch to text item 1 of paragraph 14 of theFileContents
						set oscPrefix to text item 1 of paragraph 16 of theFileContents
						set oscSuffix to text item 1 of paragraph 18 of theFileContents
						set oscCueListExists to text item 1 of paragraph 21 of theFileContents
						if oscPatch is not "" then set the patch of theOscCue to oscPatch
						if oscCueListExists is "No Device Cue List" then
							if oscDevice is "Yamaha Rivage" then
								if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the custom message of theOscCue to oscPrefix & "\"" & text item 2 of theRow & "\"" & oscSuffix
								if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the custom message of theOscCue to oscPrefix & text item 2 of theRow & oscSuffix
							end if
							--if thenumberofrows is 21 then --this means that there is a cue list, but the cell is blank and there are less than 20 rows on the sheet, causing a crash
							if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the custom message of theOscCue to oscPrefix & text item 2 of theRow & oscSuffix
							--else if text item 1 of paragraph 22 of theFileContents is not "" then
							set oscCueList to text item 1 of paragraph 22 of theFileContents
							if text item 2 of theRow is not "" then set the custom message of theOscCue to oscPrefix & oscCueList & "/" & text item 2 of theRow & oscSuffix
							--end if
						end if
						if text item 3 of theRow is not "" then
							set the notes of theOscCue to text item 3 of theRow
							set the q name of theOscCue to (oscDevice & " " & text item 2 of theRow & " - " & text item 3 of theRow)
						end if
						if newOscCueGroupType is "New Group" then
							set newQID to uniqueID of theOscCue
							move cue id newQID of parent of theOscCue to end of newOscCueGroup
						end if
						--Make Start Cues for each OSC cue
						if newCueGroupType is not "New Group" then set current cue list to (last cue list whose q name is newCueGroupName)
						make type "start"
						set theStartCue to last item of (selected as list)
						if text item 7 of theRow is not "" then set the pre wait of theStartCue to text item 7 of theRow
						set the cue target of theStartCue to theOscCue
						if newCueGroupType is "New Group" then
							set newQID to uniqueID of theStartCue
							move cue id newQID of parent of theStartCue to end of newCueGroup
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
			on error
				display dialog "This script encountered an error. Make sure you are using version 2 of the QLab Batch Cue Generator sheet. See"
			end try
			display dialog "Invalid tsv/csv file." with icon 2
		end if --tsvType options
	end tell --QLab front workspace
end repeat --for each file selected
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to thetids

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